AgePlay247 - Odette Delacroix - Sneaking Off To Wet A Diaper
Duration: 6:53
Views: 24K
Submitted: 1 year ago
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Sometimes, you can't tell anyone you have a fetish. Sometimes people don't understand at all... but you need it. You need it like you need the air or food. Odette has it. And its unbreakable. She sneaks off into the woods with a diaper. She loves diapers... I MEAN LOVES THEM! Its her diaper fetish... so She sneaks off, deep into the woods to put on her diaper. it feels so good, she floods it with her warm pee. This is more than just an orgasm but a need that needed to be quenched. She then takes off the diaper and after enjoying the use of it and runs off. Her cute naked butt satisfied by her need to pee in a diaper. :) so cute! She is wonderful!
«The moment Odette Delacroix stripped off her jeans was when she was awesome. She looked really cute walking around in her diaper. Super brave of her to walk around in her underpants. But the best part was that she was willing to walk around butt naked and with her vagina showing. Her nervousness about someone finding her used diaper while naked below the waist made her adorable. Very nice of her to show her butt, vagina, and her underwear, especially outdoors.»
