«Wrong Babypants! You're gonna Always be in Diapers. The biggest, loudest most absorbent adult baby diapers there are...to date. They are your only potty! ABs don't need privacy and it doesn't matter if you don't like them. It's too late to grow up and out. All the world can see you are an especially dumb especially diaper dependent Big Baby Girl with developmental disabilities and special needs. Cute makes it Great!»
«Wrong Babypants! You're gonna Always be in Diapers. The biggest, loudest most absorbent adult baby diapers there are...to date. They are your only potty! ABs don't need privacy and it doesn't matter if you don't like them. It's too late to grow up and out. All the world can see you are an especially dumb especially diaper dependent Big Baby Girl with developmental disabilities and special needs. Cute makes it Great!»
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